TAIKO: KODO Group – Kei Sadanari
KODO is a renowned Japanese Taiko group based on the remote island of Sado, Japan. [...]
Sado Kinzan – Sado gold mine
Sado Kinzan, also known as the Sado Gold Mine, is a historic site located on the picturesque Sado Island in Japan. [...]
Ogi Folk Museum
Welcome to the Ogi Folk Museum, located in the charming Sado Island in Japan. This museum offers a unique opportunity to delve into the rich cultural heritage of the island and learn about the local customs, traditions, and history. [...]
Senkakuwan Bay
Senkakuwan Bay, located on the beautiful Sado Island in Japan, is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered by nature lovers and adventure seekers. [...]
Walking around Shukunegi Village
Having been a port since medieval times, Shukunegi went through a prosperous 17th century brought about by the Sado Kinzan Gold Mine. [...]
Futatsu-Iwa Daimyōjin
Today’s shrine, Futatsu-Iwa Daimyōjin, despite its rather shabby looks, is not only a surprise example of what an old shrine lost in a forest can look like, but also has one of Sado’s most famous deities: Danzaburou! [...]
Umi-Hotaru (sea-firefly)
Known as Umi-Hotaru in Japan (See-firefly), they are specifically, Vargula hilgendorfii, a species of bioluminescent ostracod crustacean. [...]
Myosenji Temple
Located in Sado, Myosenji temple is connected to Nichiren Shonin, the founder of the Nichiren School of Buddhism. [...]
Chokokuji Temple
Chokokuji Temple was founded in 807 by Kobo Daishi (Kukai) on the picturesque island of Sado in Niigata prefecture. Chokokuji features a unique design imitating the famous Hasedera Temple in Yamato prefecture. It goes to the extent to even use Hasedera Temple Kanji : 長谷寺. [...]
Tarai Bune, Sado’s authentic experience
A few months ago we had the privilege to enjoy Sado’s unique Hangiri tub boat at night, and today we would like to share with you another video featuring these rather unique boats : the Tarai Bune of Ogi (Sado). [...]
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Zuishinmon Gate
Hokan-ji Temple Yasaka Pagoda by Night
Tarai Bune, Sado’s authentic experience