Gujo Hachiman

Located in central Gifu, Gujō Hachiman seems to be one of those small towns where time passes by ten times slower than usual. At the confluence of the upper Nagara-gawa (river) and the Yoshida-gawa (river), this town, founded in the 16th century following the construction of the Hachiman Castle, is known for two main things. Firstly, its pristine waterways where many people come and fish, and secondly for its unique summer dance festival, the Gujo Dori which continues from July to September for a period of thirty-one nights!

Category: Gifu, Summer, TSV
About The Author
- Serial Entrepreneur, 2008 Power50 Award Winner, I am now dedicating my time and energy in promoting a country that has been mine since 2002 : JAPAN!